My Recent Used Book Buying Binge

Since I’m a heavy user of the public library, if at all possible, I try not to buy books. If I do, I usually buy them used. While I’ve had terrific luck finding quality used books at neighborhood garage or yard sales, I’ve probably found my greatest literary treasures at church (and synagogue) book sales. (No wonder Muslims refer to Christians and Jews as “Peoples of the Book!) Usually held in some basement meeting space or Sunday school classroom, by working my way through the legions of mass-marketed paperbacks of yesteryear and the battered church hymnals and study guides, I almost always walk away with a decent find or two. Five years ago, in one of my earliest posts, I shared with you how happy I was with a nice assortment of trade paperbacks thanks to a local church book sale. Looking back on what I purchased that day, two of those books, Timothy Egan’s The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great America Dust Bowl and Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi’s The Monster of Florence ended up making year-end best of lists in 2011 and 2013 respectively. Yes, church book sales have been very good to me.

With the weather of late being rather nice and conducive to getting out and about, I’ve hit several church book sales over the past few weekends. In addition, I also recently bought a few fine books at a rummage sale that was held of all places at a local auto repair facility. (It was fund-raiser to benefit a scholarship for women to attend automotive school.) As a result, I now have MORE books, many of which I’ve been wanting to read for years. If you wanna take a closer look at what I bought, I used the WordPress feature “Gallery” so readers can flip through all the books like a slide show. Here are my latest acquisitions:


7 thoughts on “My Recent Used Book Buying Binge

  1. Me too! I stopped going to a lot of used book sales because I didn’t want to buy more books. Judging by how much I’ve recently purchased, it looks like I’ve fallen off the wagon!


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