Nonfiction November: My Year in Nonfiction

After taking last year off, I’m pleased to announce my triumphant return to Nonfiction November. Ha ha! I’m baaaaaaaaaack!

Ok, enough of my silliness. Since I’m lazy, I’m going engage in a bit of self plagiarism and use my 2015 Nonfiction November post as a template for this year’s post. It feels like cheating but who cares.

What was your favorite nonfiction read(s) of the year?

Again, just as in past years this is a tough question. Interestingly enough, even though I’ve read some pretty good nonfiction in 2017, this year feels like a bit of a down year, nonfiction-wise, when compared to previous years. But keep in mind, last year some of the best nonfiction I read all year I read in November and December. As of right now, my three favorite nonfiction books of 2017 would be:

However, there’s three nonfiction books I’ve yet to finish and each of them has the potential for making my year-end Best Nonfiction List. They are:

What nonfiction book(s) have you recommended the most?

Again, another tough question. The book I’ve probably recommended the most this year would be Jane Mayer’s Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right. If had to designate a runner-up I would nominate Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? by Frans de Waal. In addition to those two outstanding works of nonfiction I’ve probably recommended at least once this year each of the following books:

What is one topic or type of nonfiction you haven’t read enough of yet?

Ouch, probably the toughest question of all. Right off the top of my head I can probably think of three reading goals. One, I want to read as much 20th century history as possible, with an emphasis on the period roughly 1970 to 1990. Two, because you really can’t understand the first half of the 20th century without reading up on the last half of the 19th century I’m hoping to read stuff like Pankaj Mishra’s Age of Anger: A History of the Present. Three, some of you might remember in one of my earlier posts  I mentioned Tara Isabella Burton’s article in The Atlantic “Study Theology, Even If You Don’t Believe in God” and why theological studies are so important as a field of study regardless of a person’s religious outlook. Inspired by her words I plan on reading more books dealing with religion.

What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?

My purpose is three-fold. One, I wanna see what kind of nonfiction books other book bloggers have enjoyed and in the process add some great books to my always expanding to be read list (TBR). Two, I’d love to discover at least a few new book blogs and get in a habit of reading them on a regular basis. Three, by participating in this year’s Nonfiction November I’d like to give my blog a little more exposure and if I’m lucky pick up a new subscriber or two.

16 thoughts on “Nonfiction November: My Year in Nonfiction

  1. I appreciate your comment about getting back to reading more books about religion. I hope to get back to reading more of them as I begin forming my reading list for next year.


    • Thanks!
      Hopefully, as I’m reading more books on religion I’ll be looking to blogs like yours for suggestions and insight. You have a terrific blog! Keep up the good work!
      Thanks for commenting! Please visit again!


  2. I don’t read a ton of non-fiction (and I am not reading much of anything right now as I am in a reading slump), but when I do, I like it to be a story rather than a “I’m going to learn from this book.” That said, my favorite non-fictions this year were probably the graphic novels in the March series by John Lewis.


    • I’ve heard great things about the March series. If you end up reading those I bet you’ll enjoy them. I HATE reading slumps! I hope your slump ends soon!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Please visit again!!


  3. Pingback: About Time I Read It: Reappraisals by Tony Judt | Maphead's Book Blog

    • I don’t know why but it didn’t seem like a long book once I got into it. Don’t let its length scare you off. It’s well worth the effort.
      Thanks for dropping by and commenting! Please visit again sometime!


    • Yes I am. I had my doubts that “new weird/sci-fi writer China Miéville could write an enjoyable, yet substantive history book on the Russian Revolution. To his credit, I was wrong. Give it a shot, you’ll probably like it.
      Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting. Please visit again!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m definitely one of those bloggers who wants to start reading non-fiction on a regular basis. I think my average has been one a month for the last couple years and I want to change that. Good luck this month!


    • Believe it or not I used to read nothing but nonfiction but starting a few years ago I’ve been reading more fiction. (I know, sounds odd!)
      I encourage you to read a wide variety of nonfiction. Who knows, you might discover an author or subject matter you really enjoy and end up reading more of the same.
      Thanks for dropping by mu blog and commenting! Please visit again!


  5. Pingback: Nonfiction November – Sharing Introductions | JulzReads

  6. Woohoooooo, Nonfiction November!! It’s such a good event, and I always load up my TBR with far more nonfiction than I can possibly ever read. I am determined, though, to read Black Tudors this month — it looks tremendous, the cover’s gorgeous, and I find the subject fascinating.


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