Nonfiction November 2023: My Year in Nonfiction

I don’t know about you, but Nonfiction November definitely snuck up on me this year. Fortunately, Rebekah’s recent kick-off post on her blog She Seeks Nonfiction confirmed my suspicions it was around the corner and helped put me in the needed mindset. With a modest atmospheric river dumping rain in my area I might as well stay inside my cabin and crank out a post for Nonfiction November 2023.

This year our host for Week 1 is Heather of Based on a True Story.  Following in the footsteps of previous hosts she gets the ball rolling by asking us a few little questions.

Celebrate your year of nonfiction. What books have you read? What were your favorites? Have you had a favorite topic? Is there a topic you want to read about more? What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?

My Favorites (so far) of 2023

Reviewing the nonfiction I’ve read this year I noticed a few things. So far in 2023 I’ve read a diverse array of memoirs including those by Iranians, individuals who’ve left high-control religious communities and Holocaust survivors. Other areas of interest were politics, mid 20th century European history and on the ground reporting.

Iranian Memoirs

Leaving High-Control Religious Communities Memoirs

Holocaust Survivor Memoirs 


Mid 20th Century European History

On the Ground Reporting

To hopefully answer Heather’s last two questions for the rest of the year and well beyond I’m planning on reading even more books about 20th century European history, Iran and people exiting oppressive religious communities. As for what I’d like to get out of this year’s Nonfiction November my goals remains the same year after year. I wanna come away with great book recommendations, discover new book blogs, and maybe even pick up an additional subscriber or two.

23 thoughts on “Nonfiction November 2023: My Year in Nonfiction

  1. Such interesting selections! I follow cultish religion–the Warren Jeffs group, the Duggars/ Bill Gothard, and more. I have read Lost Boy and others about that group. Goodbye Eastern Europe is on my TBR and I left you some comments on the Archduke FF LIves review! Nice work


  2. Some great books on your NF list and so glad I discovered these books. Thanks so much for sharing.
    I’m putting 4 books on my TBR (just bought of them directly!)
    Lahiri, J (learning, thinking and writing in a new language…such a challenge). – Talty, S. (love a good “spy’s epic journey”) – Snyder, T (…a great scholar) and Mikanowski, J. (looks very good)


  3. The Eastern Europe book looks interesting, as that’s where my family is from – also the one about Jews of Europe. I’ve read some wonderful Holocaust memoirs, I’ll probably write about them this month. The Choice was particularly good. Thanks for the recommendations!


  4. What an impressive list of nonfiction on varied topics. My reading has pretty much come to a halt over the past month, which is really depressing. I’ve got to get going again to get back to my “me” time.


  5. Pingback: Nonfiction November 2023 Week 5: New To My TBR | Unsolicited Feedback

  6. Pingback: Nonfiction November 2023: New to my TBR | Shoe's Seeds & Stories

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