Big Book Summer Reading Challenge 2024

Not only am I doing the 20 Books of Summer reading challenge I’ve also decided to participate in the Big Book Summer Challenge. This will be only the second time I’ve taken part in this reading challenge and I thank book bloggers Helen of Helen’s Book Blog and Deb Nance at Readerbuzz for bringing it to my attention. Hosted by Sue of Book by Book the goal is to read at least one book that’s over 400 pages long. As the title implies it’s a summer challenge, running from May 24 until September 2. Big Book Summer synchs well with my other summer reading challenge 20 Book of Summer since there’s four books of the requisite length already on my list. It’s doubtful I’ll get through all four but I’m gonna try my darnedest.

14 thoughts on “Big Book Summer Reading Challenge 2024

  1. Thanks for the shout-out. I really enjoy this challenge since it lasts for a finite amount of time and motivates me to get through some of my longer novels.


  2. Welcome back to Big Book Summer! This isn’t your first time participating – you joined the challenge last summer, too! In fact, I was happy to see your link show up again on the list this weekend 🙂 And I think you may have copied the dates from last year – this year it runs from May 24 until September 2. The only one on your list I’ve read is the Stieg Larson novel – I enjoyed all 3. Looks like some great choices – enjoy!


    <a href=>2024 Big Book Summer Challenge</a>


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