
Welcome. Here is the quick and dirty low-down.

Just like J.J. Abrams did with the vintage Star Trek series, (and Ronald D. Moore with Battlestar Galactica), this is my re-imaging of my old book blog from Vox. Unfortunately, as some of you might know, after slowly and painfully withering away, as of September 30, 2010 Vox is no more.

I read a lot and I always have.  People were asking me all the time what I was reading. Eventually, I started my own book blog. I consider myself a “wannabe polymath”

Why “Maphead” ? Right out of college I had a job as an Auto Travel Counselor. I helped people select driving routes for their vacations. Once I helped a carload of friends get lost on a weekend rafting trip. After a buddy of mine yelled from the passenger seat,”way to go, Maphead !!” the nickname stuck.

Why a turtle ? Years ago someone very dear to my heart nicknamed me “the turtle” in response to my habit of clamming up whenever she wanted me to share anything personal about myself. By the way, I do have a pet turtle, but alas only a small one. She was a stray I adopted several years ago. Yes, a stray. No joke.

There it is. Now go have fun.


“He’s read books, you know, it’s amazing. He’s drunk and wenched his way through London but he’s thinking all the time.” -Peter O’Toole as King Henry II in Becket

27 thoughts on “About

  1. I like the look of your WordPress blog! I’ll definitely add you to my blogroll and Google Reader. I also enjoyed your blog on Vox because you read a lot of nonfiction, and most of the book blogs I read focus on fiction.


  2. blogBoy…dude, seriously…you are amazing! This is awesome!

    I see you ‘say’ you will read more fiction this year…come to the Bistro…it’s your personal Lending Library!



  3. Thanks for checking my review of Bel Canto. I will definitely be back to check your reveiws (I signed up to get email notices). What a great assortment your read.


  4. ha! – i’ve so bad at reading people’s blogs these past couple of years – we’ve been traveling a lot – and i just can’t keep up sometimes – i’ll do better – and your blog is one of those i’ll make sure to visit on a regular basis – thanks for adding me here, Maphead, despite that:) – p.s. we call my husband Mapboy for similar reason (but mostly for standing around with a map in his hand in various European cities looking for the restaurant he read reviews about, looking like a tourist, usually with me standing several feet away from him, pretending i don’t know him) – I’m “The Navigator” on road trips when the GPS lady isn’t available:)


    • Less than an hour. It was a piece of cake. I was able to do a migration from Vox to WordPress. Do some checking because there might be a similar Blogger to WordPress migration process. Good luck!


  5. Thanks for coming tonight. Delighted to make your acquaintance. Will enjoy going through your past commentaries, and I’ve got stuff I’ve written about books and reading which I’ll share with you later.


  6. I write all kinds of things on my blog, but sometimes I write about books. Do you have a Facebook page or private email address I could send a couple of links to? Not just some of my better blog pieces about books, but several of my essays the Big O accepted over the years. You can link up to my FB page — David J. Loftus — and if you’re not sure it’s me, you can find me linked through the Mother Foucault’s page, and/or the event page for last Thursday’s reading.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Was wondering about the name maphead & I adore that turtle illustration. Finally a found someone with great non fiction recommendations. As I get older I find history even more fascinating.


  8. Pingback: Announcing 20 Books of Summer ’22: Add your links here!

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